3D Perception

Steps to complete the project:

  1. Make sure you have already setup your ROS Workspace in the VM provided by Udacity or on your own local Linux/ROS install. If you're not already setup, you can find instructions here.
  2. Complete Perception Exercises 1, 2 and 3, which comprise the project perception pipeline.
  3. Download or clone the project repository
  4. Follow the steps laid out in this lesson.

In this project, you must assimilate your work from previous exercises to successfully complete a tabletop pick and place operation using PR2. The PR2 has been outfitted with an RGB-D sensor much like the one you used in previous exercises. This sensor however is a bit noisy much like real sensors.

Given a cluttered tabletop scenario, you must implement a perception pipeline using your work from Exercises 1, 2 and 3 to identify target objects from a so-called “Pick-List” in a particular order, pick up those objects and place them in corresponding dropboxes.

Finally, you'll make a brief writeup report. The project repository has a writeup_template.md that can be used as a guide.


Once you have completed your project, use the Project Rubric to review the project. If you have covered all of the points in the rubric, then you are ready to submit! If you see room for improvement in any category in which you do not meet specifications, keep working!

Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity reviewer according to the same Project Rubric. Your project must "meet specifications" in each category in order for your submission to pass.


What to include in your submission

You may submit your project as a zip file or with a link to a GitHub repo. The submission must include these items:

  1. All your python code (make sure to add comments at appropriate places in your code)
  2. Three output yaml files that contain PickPlace request parameters: output_1.yaml, output_2.yaml, output_3.yaml.
  3. Writeup report (md or pdf file)
  4. (Optional) output_4.yaml for the challenge environment along with screenshots/gif of your rviz window with objects labeled.

Ready to submit your project?

Click on the "Submit Project" button and follow the instructions to submit!


Please fill out the Project Feedback Form after you have completed the project.